Since 2003, I’ve seen many people with all kinds of pain.
I can confidently help the vast majority of them with an approach that feels good during the adjustment and works with the body's intelligence.
Along the way, people report back that they not only have less pain, but also feel more ease and peace in their bodies.
One mother told me her kids fought less after getting adjusted! I don’t have a special adjustment for keeping kids from fighting, any more than I have a special one-size-fits-all adjustment for addressing back or neck pain. Rather, symptom relief comes as a by-product of improved function. The training I’ve received over the years, as a graduate of the Bio-Geometric Integration Academy of Mastery, and through numerous Barral (osteopathic) courses in visceral (organ) and neural manipulation, all boils down to listening to the body and moving with its cues.
Fun fact:
This office used to be my family’s sheep barn. Here’s a picture of me many years back in the barn with one of our lambs.
Ewe’ll be glad ewe did!