Welcome to Westford Chiropractic, I’m Dr. Rick Eschholz.
Have a question about whether I can help? Give me a call. I’d be happy to talk about how I can help, or steer you in the right direction if I don’t think I can. I check my phone messages twice a day and will get back to you as soon as possible. The fastest way to book at our office is to use the online scheduling. I check emails once a day, so that is the slowest route of communication.
Get in Touch
Feel free to drop us a message and Dr. Rick Eschholz will get back to you in no time. Choose a preferred way to reach out below.
(802) 219-7194
228 Huntley Rd, Unit A
Westford, VT 05494
The initial exam (case history, physical exam, and adjustment) costs $100 and lasts an hour and fifteen minutes. This includes time for paperwork.
I bill the allowable portion of an adjustment for Medicare Part B. This means you are responsible for fees at the time of service, and Medicare will send reimbursement to you for the portion of my services that they (Medicare) covers.
Adjustments cost $60 and last thirty minutes. I schedule for forty-five minutes in case we need extra time for the adjustment or scheduling. If you are on a tight schedule, let me know and I will have you finished on time.
Visit Us
228 Huntley Rd, Unit A
Westford, VT 05494
(802) 219-7194